Latest Traffic News
Latest Traffic Information for England – All confirmed events.
- A47 eastbound between B1110 and A1074 | Eastbound | Road Works
- A38 westbound between A390 near Liskeard (west) and A30 | Westbound | Road Works
- A47 westbound between A1074 and B1110 | Westbound | Road Works
- A47 eastbound between B1110 and A1074 | Eastbound | Road Works
- A47 westbound between A1074 and B1110 | Westbound | Road Works
- A30 eastbound between M25 and A308 | Eastbound | Congestion
- roundabout at A5/A422/A508 | Northbound | Road Works
- A12 J29 southbound access | Southbound | Road Works
- A120 westbound exit for A12 near Colchester (east) | Westbound | Road Works
- A120 westbound access from A133 | Westbound | Road Works
- A38 northbound between A516 near Derby (north) and A5111 | Northbound | Road Works
- A38 northbound between A52 and A6 | Northbound | Road Works
- A45 eastbound between A428/A5095 and A43 | Eastbound | Road Works
- M6 northbound between J10 and J10A | Northbound | Road Works
- roundabout at A38/A390 near Liskeard (west) | Westbound | Road Works