Latest Traffic News
Latest Traffic Information for England – All confirmed events.
- M6 northbound between J5 and J6 | Northbound | Congestion
- A42 southbound between J13 and J12 | Southbound | Accident
- M25 anti-clockwise within J23 | Anti-Clockwise | Road Works
- A556 southbound access from M56 J7/A56 | Southbound | Road Works
- M6 J6 southbound access for A38(M) | Southbound | Road Works
- A27 eastbound between B2145 and A259 near Chichester (east) | Eastbound | Road Works
- M5 northbound between J6 and J5 | Northbound | Road Works
- A483 southbound between A5 and A495/B4396 | Southbound | Road Works
- M25 clockwise between J21A and J22 | Clockwise | Road Works
- M25 anti-clockwise within J23 | Anti-Clockwise | Road Works
- A428 eastbound between B1428 and A1198 | Eastbound | Road Works
- A428 eastbound between B1428 and A1198 | Eastbound | Road Works
- M62 eastbound within J7 | Eastbound | Road Works
- M54 eastbound within J6 | Eastbound | Road Works
- M56 eastbound within J3A | Eastbound | Road Works