Latest Traffic News
Latest Traffic Information for England – All confirmed events.
- M1 southbound between J18 and J17 | Southbound | Congestion
- A5 southbound between B4396 and A458 near Shrewsbury (west) | Southbound | Congestion
- A40 westbound within the A417 junction near Gloucester (north) | Westbound | Congestion
- A57 westbound between A628 and A6018 | Westbound | Congestion
- A46 northbound exit for M6/M69/A4600 | Northbound | Congestion
- A21 northbound between A262 and B2160 | Northbound | Congestion
- A36 northbound between A27 and A338 | Northbound | Congestion
- A34 northbound within the A420 junction | Northbound | Congestion
- A259 eastbound between B2093 and B2089 | Eastbound | Congestion
- A663 southbound within the M60 junction | Southbound | Congestion
- connector at M57 J7/M58/A5036/A59 | Westbound | Congestion
- A66 eastbound between A5086 and A591 near Keswick (north) | Eastbound | Road Works
- A66 westbound between A591 near Keswick (north) and A5086 | Westbound | Road Works
- A66 westbound between A591 near Keswick (north) and A5086 | Westbound | Road Works
- A66 eastbound between A5086 and A591 near Keswick (north) | Eastbound | Road Works